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⇒ [PDF] Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

Download As PDF : Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

Download PDF Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

I was impressed with this Sci-Fi tale in that it had all the strangeness of a first encounter story without delving into horror. Don't get me wrong, I like Sci-Fi horror, but once in a while it is nice when the story leads in a more positive direction. The author was able to develop six very interesting and believable characters with their own unique personalities. Oh, and you cannot leave out the little, lovable dog that also plays a big part in the story development. Of course it is not all positive, due to the fact that one of the characters begins to develop mental problems that threatens the entire crew and expedition.

However, overall, this is a more cerebral Sci-Fi book and it left me with several questions. What would it be like if each of us could empathic-ally understand everyone else around us? What if we could experience complete joy as the joy we intuit in the simple play of our pets? And, what if we could have these experiences while still maintaining a higher order of intelligence? What kind of world would this be if all these things were possible?

The book also has a great twist at the end that, though strange, leaves the reader in a positive frame of mind.

Read Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

Tags : Orb - Kindle edition by Gary Tarulli. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Orb.,ebook,Gary Tarulli,Orb,Gary Tarulli,Fiction Science Fiction Alien Contact,Fiction Science Fiction General

Orb eBook Gary Tarulli Reviews

Elevator pitch small bunch of people (and a dog) trying to make sense of a rather idyllic alien world. But things are not as they seem and one of them may be going mad.

One reader quite rightly (in my opinion) said that this story had a great deal of potential. It does. It could easily have been one of those science fiction books whose thought-provoking nature stays with us forever. But, alas, it is missing whatever it takes to be such a novel.

Right - so that's not a particular useful insight for you. Let's do some concrete reviewing.

Why read this book? To begin with the writing style is engaging, the protagonist easy to like, and the dialogue moves beautifully between the witty and the profound. There were times I could not put the book down.

So what's wrong with the novel? As much as I enjoyed the dialogue there was way too much of it. Let's make this clear, Orb is not an action tale; it's a lets-talk-about-everything-in-great-detail-and-then-have-a-group-hug type story. I'm sure some of you will really like this, but for this reviewer it just did not have the pace or consistent drama to make it onto the list of science fiction greats.

Having said that, yes, I think its worth the read and at the price is a bargain.
Some may think it's wordy or lacks intense action but I would be hard pressed to find a page I didn't enjoy. You get to know all of the major players and all have qualities that I liked. I cared how each of them made it through this journey. I was particularly impressed with the intelligence of the writing. This is not a Sci-Fi book of scary aliens and hi-tech gadgetry. Our assumptions about life, communication and humanity are all brought into question in a world that refuses to reveal its secrets easily. These people listen to each other, support each other and care for each other. And wouldn't you know it, so did I. A thoughtful book, what a concept.
I really liked most of this book, and kind of liked some, so I decided it was worth 4 Stars. It was good sci-fi, but did get a little wordy at times. Course, many good sci-fi stories are like that, so maybe you'll like it better? I loved the world they found and the mysteries they encountered, and I enjoyed most of what I learned about the characters, even the "bad guy," so to speak. It's really what I look for in science fiction. So what bothered me, you ask...?

**Spoilers Ahead**

-I felt the mad scientist's change was pretty severe. He went from total bonkers and evil to meek, timid and likeable in too short a time.
-I realize Kyle was the "communications" member of the crew, but I often got bored with his long-winded deep thinking and started skipping over some. Thankfully it wasn't too excessive to where I gave up on the story, but there were times I did get tired of it.
-The ending seemed just a little too pat for my tastes. Yes, it was what I'd consider a 'good' ending, but it seemed to bring it all together just a little too perfectly. I realize that's kind of an odd thing for me to say because I love happy endings, but there it is. Maybe you will accept it easier than I?

**End Spoilers**

All in all, I enjoyed the story and I do recommend it to others who enjoy traditional sci-fi. If, like me, you get tired of some of the deep soul searching then it's very easy to skim through till you get to a more interesting part. I am glad I found it and read it.
[rant] I really detest that is forcing reviewers to answer at least one of their sometimes irrelevant questions before being allowed to write a review. In this case, I chose "Some twists" as a neutral answer to how I would describe the plot. [end of rant]

Orb starts off slowly, and if you're looking for hot SF action, or are allergic to introspection and philosophical discussions, you might just as well quit with the first chapter. The book is about people and our conceptions of mind. A great deal of it is familiar from other authors' attempts to plumb the mysteries of non-human minds, but set in a nicely developed world, with enough twists to keep you guessing. I particularly enjoyed the ending, which the author left as a *possible* but unlikely-to-happen cliffhanger, with a question to which the last character provided what I believe is entirely the wrong answer. Do I know the right answer? Possibly. Did Tarulli deliberately dangle the question for us to answer? Possibly.
I was impressed with this Sci-Fi tale in that it had all the strangeness of a first encounter story without delving into horror. Don't get me wrong, I like Sci-Fi horror, but once in a while it is nice when the story leads in a more positive direction. The author was able to develop six very interesting and believable characters with their own unique personalities. Oh, and you cannot leave out the little, lovable dog that also plays a big part in the story development. Of course it is not all positive, due to the fact that one of the characters begins to develop mental problems that threatens the entire crew and expedition.

However, overall, this is a more cerebral Sci-Fi book and it left me with several questions. What would it be like if each of us could empathic-ally understand everyone else around us? What if we could experience complete joy as the joy we intuit in the simple play of our pets? And, what if we could have these experiences while still maintaining a higher order of intelligence? What kind of world would this be if all these things were possible?

The book also has a great twist at the end that, though strange, leaves the reader in a positive frame of mind.
Ebook PDF Orb eBook Gary Tarulli

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