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Adorkable Sarra Manning Books

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Adorkable Sarra Manning Books

Adorkable by Sarra Manning isn't available in the US yet. But Adorkable is available on Kindle, hint hint. Yes, I am telling you to go buy Adorkable before I even tell you my thoughts because that's how good it is.

I bought Adorkable for my kindle cause I thought it looked fun and I started reading it at work earlier today and I COULD NOT STOP. I got home, had a phone meeting, and then proceeded to spend all afternoon reading the rest of Adorkable.

First of all, Sarra Manning knows teens. Adorkable was hilarious and fun and so freaking relatable. Sure, I don't live in London and I've never experienced the British school system, but I totally know what it's like to not fit in all the time and to be obsessed with Twitter and run a blog and make out with people that I shouldn't be making out with.

And legit, I loved Adorkable so much I'm going to include a few quotes to show what I mean about how relatable Adorkable is. And I never include quotes.

"No! I hate hospitals! I think I can feel my toes. Would I be able to feel my toes if it was broken? Shall I ask Twitter?" - Adorkable, 24% in Kindle version

"So, do you think my foxtrotting days are over?" she asked Dad. "And do you mind if I live-tweet my medical examination?" - Adorkable, 24% in Kindle version

Jeane is such a bitter protagonist and her humour was so biting, I loved every second of it. Sure she totally got on my nerves at some point because she was so freaking self-destructive, but I understood her and I loved her for her faults. Just like I understood Michael and loved him for his faults. There was lots of sexual tension and lots of sexy times and it was awesome. Adorkable, hands down, had one of my favourite couples of 2012 thus far.

Oh, and the POV changes with each chapter - usually they annoy me, but I loved getting both sides of the relationship in Adorkable. Both Jeane and Michael are complex people with crazy, a bit messed up lives and it was interesting to see how both of them reacted to stuff throughout Adorkable.

And I loved the plot! It was super refreshing to have a protagonist going after a dream and doing things - things I could almost kind of relate to like blogging and tweeting - and I thought that aspect of it was awesome.

Basically, in case you couldn't tell, I loved Adorkable by Sarra Manning. This is the first book I've read by her and it certainly will not be the last.

Read Adorkable Sarra Manning Books

Tags : Adorkable (9781907411007): Sarra Manning: Books,Sarra Manning,Adorkable,Atom,1907411003,Romance - General,Social Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Social Themes - General,Blogs;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Man-woman relationships,Weblogs;Fiction.,Young adult fiction,Blogs,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Romance,General fiction (Children's Teenage),Great BritainBritish Isles,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Emotions & Feelings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family)

Adorkable Sarra Manning Books Reviews

Story seems to drag on and on. Nothing very exciting here, sorry. I expected more from this particular author as i loved her other books.
This book was a joy! It was well-written, entertaining and involved the reader emotionally
right from the start! I will be looking for more books by this author.
My daughter loved this book! She read it 3 times since Christmas!.
Very cute, fun and quick read. The main character was very self-centered in the beginning. It was interesting to see her grow. Loved it!
I thought Adorkable was cute and funny, and loved that it was written from both Jeane and Michael's perspectives. Makes me wish there was an Adorkable . com site and blog to read.
Jeane is not a very likable person butshe's interesting and you kind of get why sheis the wayshe is. Michael is adorable and how he and Jeane influence eachother is really adorkable.
I can’t remember the last time I hated a book/character so much. (I did kind of hate the book, but mostly because I loathed the character.)

What’s sad, is that there are so many reasons I could have loved this book. I’m a dork myself, so I’m all for “pro dork” books. I like high school romances. I like “popular guy falls in love with nerdy girl” books. I love books about blogging, bloggers, and social media. I love all of those things.

What I don’t like are massive b**ches. And that’s exactly what Jeane Smith is. A massive, MASSIVE b**ch. I have never read about a character in a book that is this massively mean.

Here’s my problem I’m all for dorks. I’m all for being different. I’m all for going against the norm. That’s basically what I am and what I do. What I’m NOT for is insulting and hating on people just because they’re not like you, and that’s what Jeane is all about. She’s the dork version of the queen bee high school b**ch. That queen bee hates on everyone who doesn’t wear the cool clothes and go to the cool parties and date the cool guys. In contrast, Jeane hates on everyone who DOES do those things, even if they’re a perfectly nice person. She just hates their very existence. Her motto is basically if you don’t go against what’s cool, then you’re my enemy. That is NOT okay with me.

Another thing that bugged me was how two-sided Jeane was. Here’s a quote from Michael

"[Jeane was] a girl who was friendlier on the internet than she was in the flesh."
“everyone pretends to be someone else on the internet and that Jeane’s friendliness was only Wi-Fi-enabled.”

It made her look so two-faced. She’s quite social and friendly to anyone who approaches her on Twitter. But if you approach her in real life, she will stare you down and yell at you to get the heck away from her (I swear that’s not even much of an exaggeration). Example, starting with a line from Michael

“Oh, I was just passing and I thought I’d come over and say hi.”
“Why the hell would you want to do that?” I asked very coldly. “Did you think that because we had one unpleasant conversation at the jumble sale we’re now on hello terms? We’re not. We have nothing to talk about so just, like, go away.”

Michael was being NICE. He wasn’t being sarcastic or mean, he literally just came over to say hi and she completely threw that in his face for no reason. Or, her reason is because he wears designer clothes and people like him. And she then goes on to make tons and tons of assumptions about him just based on how he dresses and who his friends are

“That was the deal with the really good-looking boys they automatically assume you were pining and panting for them and wouldn’t be satisfied until you’d had their babies, no matter how ugly their personalities might be.”

And another thing I hated was how she treated her boyfriend Barney like a pet or a follower. She knew that they had zero chemistry and she hated kissing him. He’s not really her boyfriend, he’s like a doll to her. She dresses him up and teaches him to act in certain ways. This really comes out when they kind of break up and she rages about how he betrayed her because she gave him the ‘gift’ of attention and a social life

“I’d raised Barney in my own image he was on my side, on the side of dorks, on the side of all that was good and pure.”
“[Barney] leeched my cool like he was trying to jump-start a car battery.”
“You were nothing before me,” I screamed finally, as Barney cowered where he stood. “And you’ll be nothing again, just a spotty geek immersed in World of Warcraft with no social skills.”

That last line in particular sounds EXACTLY like something that would come out of an exaggerated queen bee b**ch's mouth. Literally. It sounds like Regina George from Mean Girls.

And after she was done with Barney she wrote a massive hate post about him on her blog where she named him. That’s a great example of what well known and respected bloggers SHOULDN’T DO. You don’t use your popularity as a platform to voice your hate for an individual, and that’s exactly what she did.

Above all, I was disgusted with Jeane. I couldn’t believe how she treated people! That’s not what I’m all about at all. Sure, stick up for dorks, but respect the non-dorks too! I don’t want to read a book about a character being a total b**ch to anyone who’s not like her… which is funny, because she claims to be all about supporting people who are different.. but at the same time there are also certain things you explicitly CANNOT be in her mind.

After about 60 pages of this, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I think Jeane might be my most hated character in all of literature. She’s exactly like those evil, manipulative queen bee b**ches, but instead of lashing out at people for being “unpopular”, she lashes out at them for being “popular”. That makes her no better. She’s mean, b**chy, manipulative, and thinks she’s so high and mighty. I couldn’t stand this character so much that I physically could not bring myself to finish the rest of the book. Even if she changes at the end, I didn’t care. I didn’t WANT to sympathize with her or be glad that she changed. I don’t want to feel any good or nice feelings about this character ever. She doesn’t deserve my forgiveness for being a massive bitch at the beginning.

(Note I have no idea if she even does change at the end or not, I’m just assuming she does.)
Adorkable by Sarra Manning isn't available in the US yet. But Adorkable is available on , hint hint. Yes, I am telling you to go buy Adorkable before I even tell you my thoughts because that's how good it is.

I bought Adorkable for my kindle cause I thought it looked fun and I started reading it at work earlier today and I COULD NOT STOP. I got home, had a phone meeting, and then proceeded to spend all afternoon reading the rest of Adorkable.

First of all, Sarra Manning knows teens. Adorkable was hilarious and fun and so freaking relatable. Sure, I don't live in London and I've never experienced the British school system, but I totally know what it's like to not fit in all the time and to be obsessed with Twitter and run a blog and make out with people that I shouldn't be making out with.

And legit, I loved Adorkable so much I'm going to include a few quotes to show what I mean about how relatable Adorkable is. And I never include quotes.

"No! I hate hospitals! I think I can feel my toes. Would I be able to feel my toes if it was broken? Shall I ask Twitter?" - Adorkable, 24% in version

"So, do you think my foxtrotting days are over?" she asked Dad. "And do you mind if I live-tweet my medical examination?" - Adorkable, 24% in version

Jeane is such a bitter protagonist and her humour was so biting, I loved every second of it. Sure she totally got on my nerves at some point because she was so freaking self-destructive, but I understood her and I loved her for her faults. Just like I understood Michael and loved him for his faults. There was lots of sexual tension and lots of sexy times and it was awesome. Adorkable, hands down, had one of my favourite couples of 2012 thus far.

Oh, and the POV changes with each chapter - usually they annoy me, but I loved getting both sides of the relationship in Adorkable. Both Jeane and Michael are complex people with crazy, a bit messed up lives and it was interesting to see how both of them reacted to stuff throughout Adorkable.

And I loved the plot! It was super refreshing to have a protagonist going after a dream and doing things - things I could almost kind of relate to like blogging and tweeting - and I thought that aspect of it was awesome.

Basically, in case you couldn't tell, I loved Adorkable by Sarra Manning. This is the first book I've read by her and it certainly will not be the last.
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